Stretch Marks
Q: What Can I Do About Stretch Marks ?
A. There are several treatment options for stretch marks. If you are serious about dealing with unwanted stretch marks, it is best to be in the care of a dermatologist who can recommend your best options. If you go to a dermatologist, he or she will take a detailed medical history, including medications you are taking. Some medications can cause stretch marks.Those medications include hormones and steroids.
It is important to remember that you have to stick with a treatment plan in order to get the desired effect.
Q: What Causes Stretch Marks, And How Can I Get Rid Of The Ones On My Hips And Thighs ?
1. Stretch marks commonly appear due
2. Pregnancy,
3. Excessive weight gain or lot of weight fluctuation
4. Weight lifting.
5. Puberty due to excess surge of hormones
6. Medications- steroids
7. Supplements-generally during gymming or for body building
They occur when the skin is stretched and thinned, causing the elastic fibers to break
Q: What Are The Common Areas For Stretch Marks ?
A. Stretch marks commonly occur on the lower abdomen, flanks or sides of the waist, hips, shoulder and knees and along the breast in females.
Q: What Are The Treatment Options For Stretch Marks ?
A. There are many treatments available like Peels, Derma Roller, Laser and Mesotherapy. The best results are obtained with laser and Mesotherapy.
Q: How Does The Laser Or Mesotherapy Work ?
A. Dermatologic surgeons can now use lasers to remove or improve stretch marks. The heat from the laser light triggers new elastin production in the deeper layers where the stretch marks are formed. Witht he mesotherapy solution the same process is done by the substance present in the meso product. As a result, your skin will have a tighter and smoother appearance.
Q: How Much Improvement Can Be Expected With The Treatment ?
A. Newly formed red stretch marks may be reduced significantly with fewer
treatments, whereas older and deeper stretch marks may require several treatments.
Q: How Many Session Are Needed ?
A. Number of sessions can vary depending on the type of stretch marks,
how old they are and also on the age of the person.Generally atleast 6 to 8
sessions may be needed.
Q: What Is The Advantage Of These Procedures ?
The procedures are quick, cause minimal discomfort, leave no scars and
are relatively inexpensive. Patient can notice visible results in 2 to 3 sessions